Harm Reduction Learning Institute
DC Health
Test Category 1

Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Education

This module is intended for public use and does not offer continuing education credits.  If you wish to receive continuing education credits, visit the Providers eLearning Courses page. By completing this module, learners will be able to utilize nasal naloxone to reverse a known overdose in emergency situations. Learners will understand how nasal naloxone reverses an overdose and will be able to summarize the epidemiology of opioid overdoses in the District of Columbia.

Learning Objectives

  • Name three (3) historical events in the history of opioid use
  • Describe the basic profile of opioids
  • Describe the pharmacology of naloxone
  • Name the laws protecting individuals from civil liability associated with naloxone administration and the reporting an overdose
  • Summarize the epidemiology of opioid overdoses in the District of Columbia
  • Indicate the importance of contacting emergency medical services
  • Administer naloxone properly to reverse a known or suspected overdose
  • List steps on how to care for an individual after the administration of naloxone